National Insurance Number Application Form


{{total | currency}}

Step {{step}} of {{steps}}

Getting Started

If you are applying for your first U.K National Insurance Number then please complete this form. Once we have received your application, our experienced booking officers will begin processing your application & book your Evidence of identity interview. When your interview has been booked, we will send you an email confirming your interview date, time, location & your unique reference number.

  • Please ensure you take your time and enter the details correctly
  • Provide a U.K Residential Address
  • Be over the age of 16
  • 5 Minutes to complete

If you need help with your application give us a call on 0333 880 5185.

Personal Details

{{ errors.first('title') }}
{{ errors.first('first_name') }}
{{ errors.first('surname') }}
The date of birth field is required, and you must be at least 16 and not older than 65.
{{ errors.first('sex') }}
{{ errors.first('marital_status') }}

Contact Information

{{ errors.first('email') }}
{{ errors.first('email_confirmation') }}
Please ensure your email address is accurate as we can not progress your application without it.
{{ errors.first('phone') }}


If you have already applied for a National Insurance Number previously we cannot guarantee you an earlier appointment, however we will try our utmost best. Please note that your fee will be non–refundable in any case.
{{ errors.first('applied_before') }}
{{ errors.first('application_reason') }}
Unfortunately we are unable to assist you. Please contact your local Job Centre of which they will assist you.
{{ errors.first('live_in_ni') }}
{{ errors.first('eu_national') }}
{{ errors.first('eu_settlement') }}
{{ errors.first('EEA') }}
{{ errors.first('dual_nationality') }}
{{ errors.first('nationality') }}
{{ errors.first('second_nationality') }}
{{ errors.first('EEA_document') }}
{{ errors.first('document_reference') }}
{{ errors.first('visa_type') }}
{{ errors.first('other_visa_type') }}
The visa issue date field is required.
The visa expiry date field is required.
{{ errors.first('visa_updated') }}
The visa updated date field is required.
{{ errors.first('visa_issued_country') }}
{{ errors.first('live_in_uk') }}

Current/Intended Address in the UK

We could not find your address, please enter it manually.
{{ errors.first('intended_address[line_1]') }}
{{ errors.first('intended_address[line_2]') }}
{{ errors.first('intended_address[city]') }}
{{ errors.first('intended_address[county]') }}
{{ errors.first('intended_address[postcode]') }}
The arrival date field is required.

Upgrade Your Order

Most Popular

{{ timescales.fast_track }}

{{ (prices.application.fast_track - prices.application.standard) * 1.2 | currency }}

{{ timescales.standard }}


{{ errors.first('application_type') }}
National Insurance Card
Limited Offer

{{ plastic_card * 1.2 | currency }}


{{ errors.first('plastic_card') }}
Bank Card

{{ bank_extra_price * 1.2 | currency }}


{{ errors.first('bank_account_extra') }}

{{ ehic_service * 1.2 | currency }}


{{ errors.first('ehic_service') }}

By selecting this option we will send you SMS updates at each stage of the application process. We will also contact you via SMS if we require any further information to process your application.

{{ sms_updates * 1.2 | currency }}


{{ errors.first('sms_updates') }}

Register Your UK Bank Account

{{ errors.first('mothers_maiden_name') }}

Your mother's surname at birth.

{{ errors.first('country_of_birth') }}
{{ errors.first('living_situation') }}
{{ errors.first('employment_status') }}
The employment date field is required.
{{ errors.first('occupation') }}
{{ errors.first('employers_name') }}
{{ errors.first('employers_address') }}
{{ errors.first('current_monthly_income') }}
The date moved into address field is required.
{{ errors.first('three_years_at_address') }}
{{ errors.first('previous_address') }}

Order Breakdown

Application Fee {{prices.application.standard | currency }}
Fast Track {{ (prices.application.fast_track - prices.application.standard) | currency }}
SMS Updates {{ sms_updates | currency }}
Plastic Card {{ plastic_card | currency }}
Bank Account {{ bank_extra_price | currency }}
GHIC Card {{ ehic_service | currency }}
VAT {{ vat | currency }}
Total {{ total | currency }}

Review your application

Title {{ data.step_1.title }}
First name {{ data.step_1.first_name }}
Middle name {{ data.step_1.middle_name }}
Surname {{ data.step_1.surname }}
Date of birth {{ Object.values('/') }}
Email {{ }}
Phone {{ }}
Address Line 1 {{ data.step_3.intended_address.line_1 }}
Address Line 2 {{ data.step_3.intended_address.line_2 }}
City {{ }}
County {{ data.step_3.intended_address.county }}
Postcode {{ data.step_3.intended_address.postcode }}

View our terms & conditions

You must accept our terms and conditions to continue.

Total amount to pay

{{total | currency}}

Edit Your Order

{{ errors.first('card_holder_name') }}

{{ error[0] }}